Empowering Social Justice Organisations to Build a Digital Resilience Strategy

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Date: May 28, 2024          | Time: 10:00 am – 12:30 pm   | Venue: Zoom

Today, the Tatua Digital Resilience Centre hosted a training session to guide Social Justice Organizations (SJOs) in East Africa to leverage Tatua’s digital resilience tools to enhance their digital resilience. The training, which is part of Tatua’s capacity-building series is a testament to the unique needs of SJOs, many of which operate as non-profit entities and rely on resource mobilization in an increasingly demanding landscape.

Among the challenges that SJOs face include the lack of essential digital security skills, budgetary constraints, and hostile operating environments. This often hinders their efforts to establish robust digital resilience strategies. Additionally, while many SJOs increasingly use social media to advance their cause, they still operate in lower technology environments when it comes to aspects like digital security and data management.

The nature of their work, which focuses on protecting human rights and social justice, exposes SJOs to distinct risks and threats. They often encounter suspicion from authorities, surveillance, and repressive regulations due to their advocacy activities. Finally, working under donorship means that SJOs must demonstrate transparency and accountability to their funders and stakeholders.

Tatua, recognizing the unique challenges, has developed a set of digital resilience tools, including a digital resilience strategy, assessment toolkit, policies, and playbooks. During the training session, participants were guided on developing and executing a Digital Resilience strategy, implementing effective incident response playbooks, and creating policies that motivate SJOs’ resilience before, during, and after disruptions.

The digital resilience strategy will enable SJO leadership to motivate the development of a Digital Resilience Strategy, to oversee the execution of that strategy, and to make timely decisions and execute effective actions towards the continuous maintenance of Digital Resilience.

Policies enable the thinkers and decision-makers in an SJO to pre-digest scenarios and develop guidelines that assist them to act consistently and reasonably, comply with laws and regulations, and align with their mission and values.

Finally, the audience was introduced to an assessment tool that will enable them to evaluate the status of their digital resilience and identify gaps in their digital security measures.

The training was well received by participants and Tatua is optimistic that SJOs will leverage these materials to enhance their digital resilience, thereby safeguarding their missions and strategic objectives. By equipping these organizations with the necessary tools and knowledge, Tatua is contributing to advancing digital resilience within the social justice sector.

We are collaborating with Social Justice Organisations to enhance their Digital resilience.  Please fill out this short survey which will enables you to review the state of your organisation’s digital resilience. The tool is designed to be taken as a survey in one 30-minute sitting. We request you discuss it with representatives from your IT, communications, management, and programmes teams while filling it. After filling out the tool, our representative will reach out to you.

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