Training for Board and Leadership to Build Digital Resilience for Social Justice Organizations

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Date: 28 May 2024 | Time: 1000 – 1200 hours

Place: Zoom Link


The Tatua Digital Resilience Centre in collaboration with KICTANet will conduct a virtual training for Social Justice Organisations (SJOs) in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, to build their capacity to use the policies, strategy, and assessment tools developed by Tatua to enhance their digital resilience. 

Background and Context

Social Justice Organizations increasingly use digital devices and the Internet for advocacy and other activities. Despite using digital technologies to advance their reach, many SJOs don’t fully understand the opportunities and risks the digital space presents. The key risks SJOs in East Africa face include a shrinking civic space, restrictive operating environments, adverse effects of COVID-19, funding constraints, and limited knowledge and capacity for digital resilience. 

To address these challenges, Tatua organised a series of trainings to empower Board Members and Senior Leadership of SJOs in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania to deliver and ensure the digital resilience of their organisations. The centre conducted an introduction to digital resilience webinar in Aug 2023 and a practical skills workshop in Sep 2023. The previous sessions focused on strengthening digital resilience through governance, accountability, leadership, culture, situational awareness, innovation, adaptive capacity, research, and risk management. 

This training builds on the introductory sessions and practical skills workshops and focuses on the policies, strategies, and assessment tools that organisations can utilise to enhance their digital resilience. 

Proposed Topics 

  1. Overview of Digital Resilience
  2. Jump-starting digital resilience through a digital resilience strategy
  3. Revealing your current status using the digital resilience assessment tool
  4. Governing digital resilience using a digital resilience policy
  5. Using playbooks to effectively govern digital incidents
  6. Mini case discussion

Training Objectives 

  1. Raise awareness of the SJO digital resilience policies, strategy, and assessment tools developed by Tatua
  2. Build the capacity of SJOs to:
    1.  Assess their digital resilience using the assessment tool 
    2. Tailor the digital resilience manuals for their organisational needs
  3. Empower SJOs to better respond to incidents using the manuals provided by Tatua

Expected Outcomes

  1. Enhanced understanding and confidence among SJOs to use the digital resilience policies, strategy, and assessment tools developed by Tatua
  2. SJOs with demonstrated mastery in assessing their digital resilience and personalising digital resilience manuals to fit their needs
  3. Faster and more effective incident response and reporting among SJOs 


The training targets the senior leadership of at least 100 Social Justice Organisations from Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania.


KICTAnet will provide reasonable accommodations including sign language translators, audio descriptions, and closed captions where necessary to ensure full and active participation of persons with disabilities.

About the Organizers

The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a non-profit organisation, which acts as a multi-stakeholder platform for ICT policy and regulation. KICTANet’s guiding philosophy encourages synergies for ICT policy-related activities and initiatives. The network provides mechanisms and a framework for continuing cooperation and collaboration in ICT matters among industry, technical community, academia, media, development partners, and Government.KICTANet together with other Africa Internet Rights Alliance (AIRA) coalition members established the Tatua Digital Resilience Centre to offer a bouquet of services to SJOs in East Africa to enhance their digital resilience, quickly respond to and recover from digital threats, and harness the power of technology to enable them to achieve their mission in a digitally changing environment. The Centre provides support to SJOs in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The Centre is also part of a wider network of resilience hubs in the region under the Ford Foundation’s Weaving Resilience initiative for Stronger Civil Society in the Global South.


Empowering SJOs in East Africa to Build a Digital Resilience Strategy

Date: May 28, 2024          | Time: 10:00 AM -12:00 PM   | Venue: Zoom


10:00-10:10 AM
Introductions, Opening, and Welcome RemarksKICTANet
10:10-10:20 AMPre-Workshop SurveyNeno Newa
10:20-10:25 AMAgenda Setting and Objectives KICTANet
10:25-10:35 AMPresentation: Overview of Digital Resilience for SJOs Dr Katherine Getao
10:35-10:50 AMDemo: Revealing your current status using the Digital Resilience Assessment ToolDr Paula Musuva
10:50-11:05 AMPresentation: Jump-starting Digital Resilience through a Digital Resilience StrategyDr Katherine Getao
11:05-11:15 AMSlido interaction, Resilience status/challengesNeno, Jacinta
11:15-11:35 AMPresentation: Governing Digital Resilience using a Digital Resilience PolicyDr Katherine Getao
11:35-11:55 AMPresentation: Using playbooks to effectively govern digital incidentsDr Katherine Getao
11:55-12:05 PMMini case discussion on a Ransomware IncidentDr Paula Musuva
12:05-12:15 PMSummary and  Q & A Tatua Team
12:15-12:20 PMPost-Workshop Survey:Jacinta Wothaya
12:20-12:30 PMClosing Remarks KICTANet

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