Empowering Social Justice – East Africa Weaving Resilience Coordination Meeting in Zanzibar.

Ngome Kuu, Zanzibar

The East Africa Weaving Resilience gathering came together in Zanzibar in March 2024 for a coordination meeting aimed at enhancing support for Social Justice Organizations in East Africa. The meeting was structured to address key areas such as identifying gaps, strategizing to fill them, developing action plans, and ensuring sustainability for the East Africa Weaving Resilience Network.

The first day of the meeting centered around learning and collaboration, with sessions designed to foster knowledge sharing and strengthen partnerships within the network. Highlights included reports from the East African Coordination Team, hub reports, a digital security learning session from the Center for Digital Resilience, and insights on strategic litigation’s role in social justice from the Centre for Strategic Litigation.

The second day shifted focus towards sustainability and strategic planning, with activities geared towards developing collaboration action plans and sustainability strategies for the East Africa Hubs. The day included planning sessions, feedback reviews, discussions on global networks, leadership handover sessions, and outlining the next steps for future actions.

The outcomes from this coordination meeting included the creation of a collaboration action plan, a sustainability plan for the East Africa Hubs, and the sharing of key learnings and success stories. By prioritizing these outcomes, the East Africa Weaving Resilience hubs are laying a strong foundation for continued growth, impact, and empowerment within the social justice landscape of East Africa.

Stay tuned for more updates on the progress and impact of these collaborative efforts as they unfold in the coming months!

The Tatua Digital Resilience Centre assists social justice organizations in East Africa in adapting and surviving in a changing environment by implementing effective digital strategies. The Centre provides support to Social Justice Organizations throughout Africa that work towards advancing digital rights.


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